Akshay is with Rajinikanth on Robot-2. He is old news Akshay will be killed in Rajinikanth's picture. This is also known to all. But the new news is that the nightly vs Akshay's action scene is worth 20 million!
The graphics of the first 'robot' photo was rack So we had to know that the shakyake will remain a little bit bigger. But in Bollywood where there is a multi star movie made with 20 million taka, there is a view of 20 million in the south! Rajinikanth is said to say. According to the shooting floor, this action scene will last for about 20 minutes. All the tools of advanced technology will be used in the scene. Stunts will also have shock Even the advanced technology graphics will be seen in the edit table. Thrilling action scene can be a thrill in the thrill!